July 2015 - “The Wayside Motor Inn” is a poignant comedy about ten ordinary people who find themselves faced with extraordinary decisions as their stories unfold simultaneously on stage in the same hotel room at the Wayside Motor Inn.
This fast-paced funny and cleverly written play takes place just out Boston in the late 1970’s. A.R. Gurney is one of the best American playwrights over the past fifty years. His engaging and funny perspectives on American family life make his plays entertaining for everyone. “The Wayside Motor Inn” is a poignant comedy about ten ordinary people who find themselves faced with extraordinary decisions as their stories unfold simultaneously on stage in the same hotel room at the Wayside Motor Inn. The separate stories are about a couple going through a divorce and a traveling salesman’s lonely existence on the road, an older couple struggling with aging and their place in the world, a teenager and father arguing about the young man’s future and a college couple deciding on the seriousness of their relationship. The varied topics provide the humor and the same wry observation and clever insight into the modern condition that has made Gurney such a treasure.